Monday, February 22nd, 2016...2:45 am
Don’t stop me now!
Well since my last blog post Rambo decided to prove that in fact, nothing had been bothering him.
He was walking around a bit more, playing with his toy and he was pretty stable on his back leg showing no signs of pain. For a few days he was back to his normal self again.
He was trying to lick and bite at the wound last week too but it didn’t look like it was pain related and on closer inspection his skin was quite dry so I suspected that it had become itchy.
After speaking to a friend who suggested adding tumeric powder to his diet, I remembered that I had some paste in the fridge that had tumeric in it. I’ve used it before on my other dog when she had cut her paw and it healed up really nicely, it’s also safe if the dogs end up licking it off so I applied some of the paste on the dry skin and put the cone on him for a half a day.
It’s been a few days now and he’s shown no signs of itchiness and has not looked around at that area yet so it looks like the paste has done its job. No signs of phantom pain either but I’m sure we’ll be having a few bad days again. I’m just hoping the worst is over.
We did a trip out to Mum’s new place too. The backyard is on a slope so there are quite a few steps. He needed help with a few but managed around the rest of the backyard pretty well by himself 🙂
I did notice two lumps appear around the amputation site yesterday, so today I took him back to the vet to have them checked out. They are seroma lumps which the vet suggested was most likely due to him running around that little bit more. Because fluid would have built up it made a couple of the sutures tight which has caused a small amount of inflammation. Both lumps were drained and the procedure was actually a pretty easy one. He made a small incision and used a syringe with saline to drain most of the fluid.
Rambo is always muzzled at the vet because he thinks the vet is shifty and doesn’t trust him but today he did rather well. He only struggled once and then slowly relaxed letting let the vet do his job.
If Rambo hates the vet again it’s a sign that he’s definitely on the road to recovery.

two red lumps near the end of the stitches. The yellow is from the paste
I still have to be rather careful with the amount of exercise he gets. We didn’t play too much over the weekend and he did nothing too strenuous but he is now instructed to have strict bed rest until the rest of the sutures come out. At the end of each day I need to massage the area to try and drain the rest of fluid out.
More couch time for this little man!
Mel x
February 22nd, 2016 at 2:53 am
Rambo looks so good!! Almost there, buddy! And isn’t it funny, to celebrate those naughty moments because they are a sign that things are getting back to normal?! 🙂
February 23rd, 2016 at 2:09 am
It so is! He was a happy dog 🙂
February 22nd, 2016 at 4:37 am
As usual, Mr. Rams has me grinning ear to ear! Each video, each picture of him with that huge grin on his face….yeah, he has me smiling!!
Seeing him enjoying his toy…shaking his head with glee as he tries to “destroy” it…it’s just wonderful seeing him so happy! And it continues to get better!!
Glad the turmeric paste seems to be helpful. Sure beats wearing a cone!!
Keep these great updates coming, with pictures of course!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
February 22nd, 2016 at 6:58 pm
He’s such a hoppy dawg!
Yes, R&R is key right now, and restarting activity slowly will go a long way to preventing injuries. You’re doing great!
Love that the turmeric worked. I’ve heard about it but never tried it on our Wyatt. Next time he gets himself into a scuffle I’m gonna head for it. Thanks for that tip!
February 23rd, 2016 at 2:10 am
Not a worry! I haven’t put anymore paste on it as yet so it’s lasted for a quite a few days 🙂
February 22nd, 2016 at 11:31 pm
Awwww! So cute! Get well Rambo!
February 22nd, 2016 at 11:56 pm
Love this great update! Sounds like you’ve got a good handle on this. He’s such a happy boy! Getting his sparkle back big time!
Linda, Ollie, Riley & Spirit Mighty Max