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Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016...6:12 am

No swimming allowed

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It’s a good 38 degrees here in Melbourne this afternoon. Not the hottest day we’ve had but the air is so thick and dry it’s really not a great day. Rambo handles the heat pretty well though. Better than me actually. Usually at home he splashes in his water bowl or jumps into his pool, does a circle and then lays down to cool off. If he’s in his pool after a good game of fetch you know you’ve tired him out.


Since the surgery he hasn’t been allowed to get wet and this is the hottest day we’ve been out and about since his amputation. The second day he was home from surgery he was wobbling over to his pool and I had to chase after him (he was still quick!) He did look at me grudgingly as I tipped all the water out. Sorry Rams!

Today I’ve taken him to the gym (boyfriend owns a gym) and there is no air con here, only some big fans to keep the air moving. He LOVES the gym as he knows that there is ALWAYS someone who can’t say no to throwing his toy when he places it at their feet, but, today I have him tied up to rest so he’ll have to put up with lots of pats and supervise everyone instead.

I got him a cooling bandana that I keep in the fridge on hot days like today. It seems to be keeping him cool because he’s been sleeping for about half an hour now and he hasn’t tried to splash in his water bowl. I was going to use a towel or even a cooling vest but didn’t want to risk getting the amputation site wet.



Once the sutures are out I’ll throw him a pool party.


Mel x


  • Oh Mr. Rams, you are so adorable!!

    I love how you find all the various ways to cool off with any form of water that is in your reach. So darn cute!!

    You’ll have those stit out soon and you’ll be swimming in no time!!! You’ll be playing fetch at the gym reallyz really soon too. And we want pictures and video of it all!!

    Cannot wait to come ro your pool party!! Merry Myrtle has her bikini packed and Frankie has is Speedo ready to go! Ugh, just don’t like those Speedos, but he thinks he looks handsome so I just look the other way!

    Keep on keeping on Rams! You are clearly a very loved boy!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  • Rambo you are one hunkalove love! Keep it up sweet boy!
    Linda, Ollie, Riley & Spirit Mighty Max

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