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Archive for February, 2016

Friday, February 19th, 2016

It’s been a rough few days

We had our check up at the vet a few days ago and he’s been given another course of antibiotics and pain killers. The site is looking really good, the swelling has gone down, it’s slightly red in a few places but hopefully next week the stitches can come out. I did catch him licking the area […]

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

Almost two weeks after surgery

So far so good, Rams has been doing very well considering all things. A few days after the surgery when he was getting back to his normal self, the cramps/spasms had started in the back leg. This went on for a few days and it happened every time he would have to get up from […]

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Rambo, now a tripawd

On February 4th 2016, Rambo underwent an operation to have his back right leg amputated. A week and a half prior to that, he had undergone a surgery to have a lump removed from his leg. The surgery to remove the lump went well, and samples were sent off to conclude what it was.  Part of […]